Online Giving to Cathedral is available.

You can now make your Sunday Cathedral contribution without writing a check or remembering your envelope.

You choose everything – the amount, the frequency, the payment day or date, & the payment method (checking acct, savings acct, credit card) and the choices you make can be changed at any time.

If you do use “online giving” and you’d still like to put something in the collection basket, you will still receive envelope sets — there will be a “box” on the front of each envelope that you can “check” — letting us know you gave online.

To set up an account, simply click here or type this URL in a browser: and you will go to a site where you can register and set up your preferences.  It is a secure site used by thousands of parishes throughout the USA.

For more info or any questions, please contact Josie Weiler at the Cathedral Office at 234.1166.